Tuesday, February 20, 2007

the soundtrack to my life

All my life I have wished that there would be a soundtrack playing in the background; appropriate mood music for that exact moment...like something fun and pop-y while I'm out on the town, or something melancholy while I'm contemplating breaking up with someone, something inspiring and uplifting as I start a new job...you know...like in the movies. Even if I didn't already have a crush on Jack Black, I would have fell in love with him (or rather, his character) after watching "The Holiday" just because he could provide personalized soundtrack music for me...sigh. A girl can dream.

There have been times in my life where I've tried to create appropriate music for the situation. Jaclyn and I would often work towards this...but it's a tricky undertaking. Until the latest love of my life arrived...my iPod. It has become the mobile soundtrack for my life!! Walking to work feeling reflective and pensive -Sara Groves "Add to the Beauty"! Running by the ocean on a sunny day - Chantal Kreviazuk "Waiting for the Sun"! Doing laundry at the laundromat - Barenaked Ladies "Easy"...and TA DA my life has a soundtrack!! I just did a contented sigh right there. It's a happy day now that my mood music can come everywhere with me. My only concern is that I'm frequently tempted to sing aloud with the music. I'm pretty sure the day will come when I find myself singing outloud while walking along Fort Street. So if you happen to drive past, just honk and remind me that I'm not in the privacy of my own home!

And if you are looking for some good soundtrack music, may I suggest the following:

The Weepies "Somebody Loved" and "The World Spins Madly On"
Mat Kearney "All I Need"
Beyonce "Irreplaceable" (a particularly good one for feeling single and fabulous! ;)
Coldplay "Fix You"
Corrine Bailey Rae "Put Your Records On"

Okay friends - have a happy day!! And enjoy the music!


Sarah said...

Elise - you go for it and sing out loud in public... they will hear you and sign you on the spot. Your gorgeous voice will make someone want to have YOU singin' on their i-pod!

Loved this post. I'd like to sing with you again. Hmmm... good memories friend!

Juliana said...

I'm with you on this one...especially the Jack Black thing...hehehe. On of my favorite movies I have to say! Love you lots Elise...hey...now you can check out my bloggs!!!

Beautifully Mended said...

YAY! Sarah told me you have a blog now! And I love your pic... you look so amazing my friend! Also love your post! Take care... Nelia

Louise said...

I'm with Sarah... if you sing out loud in public - I won't be stopping you :) Sing on girl!!!

Rachel H. said...

Perhaps my soundtrack song could be "Business Time" he he he....