Monday, April 23, 2007

I *heart* the West Coast

Oh it is a good day! Much of it is due to the fact that after five 12 hour shifts in a row, I don't have to go back to work tonight! But it is also due to greatness of loving the west coast as of late. I was going for a run this evening (feeling a little nervous about my 10km race plans this weekend), and couldn't help revelling in the greatness of west coast life. I may have even bounded a wee bit for a few steps!

This last week I have had some classic west coast moments! It all started with a little Gourmet Club Road Trip to Denmann Island. Denmann Island is just off the coast of Courtenay, about a 3 hour drive north of Victoria and a short little ferry ride. We stayed in a quaint, rustic cabin (an old logging house), sans le bathroom (insert nervous laugh here), about 50m from the beach! About 50% of our 24 hour trip consisted of eating fabulous food! The rest was filled with beach walks, hiking and bon fires. Big sigh! Is there any better way to spend a weekend?!

Now as if this wasn't enough west coast greatness for one week, Corporate Rowing Challenge also started this week!! What is Corporate Rowing Challenge, you ask? Well, here in Victoria they hold a rowing competition every year where businesses in town can put together a team (experienced or not) and you spend 6 weeks learning how to row, or improving your rowing. 4 West (my unit at the hospital) has put together its sophmore team: "How Sweet Eight Is", and practice began last week. I'm not sure what thrills my heart the most when we get that boat on the water - is it just being outside on Elk Lake? is it working as one with 7 other teammates? is it the nostalgia of years gone by when rowing consumed so many of my days? is it the feel of working hard in a graceful motion? Ah, it must be all of these...oh how happy my heart is in that boat! Plus, our handsome new coach makes things a little more exciting too!

And now, to top off the April West Coast Adventures of yours truly, there will be the Times Colonist 10k this weekend...wish me luck! I'm probably not as prepared to run it this year, as I have been previously, but it should be fun to run it with Andrea. We were tempted to register as Barbie and Midge Mattell...but decided not to in the end...maybe next time!

For those of you far away...really wish you were here to share this with. Make sure you register with Chez Elise and Kendal's B&B...we have a newly furnished guest bedroom waiting just for you and your west coast adventures...


Sarah said...

yay! you're rowing again. And what a bonus to have a handsome coach.... single????? you go girl!

good luck on the run this weekend... you can do it! have fun!

Rachel H. said...

Can I come stay at the B&B? Sounds fabulous....

Louise said...

Row, row, row your boat... another little song for you to sing! Happy running - hope all goes well and the sun shines for everyone :)